
  • ProFlexABI/ProFlex™ 2 x flat PCR System/現貨
    ProFlexABI/ProFlex™ 2 x flat PCR System/現貨

    ABI/ProFlex™ 2 x flat PCR System/現貨The ProFlex™ 2xFlat PCR System is the latest in our line of Applied Biosystems® thermal cyclers.

  • ProFlexABI/ProFlex™ 2 x 96-well PCR System現貨
    ProFlexABI/ProFlex™ 2 x 96-well PCR System現貨

    ABI/ProFlex™ 2 x 96-well PCR System現貨The ProFlex™ 2x96-Well PCR System is the latest in our line of Applied Biosystems® thermal cyclers

  • ProFlexABI/ProFlex™ 3 x 32-well PCR System現貨
    ProFlexABI/ProFlex™ 3 x 32-well PCR System現貨

    ABI/ProFlex™ 3 x 32-well PCR System現貨The ProFlex™ 3x32-Well PCR System is the latest in our line of Applied Biosystems® thermal cyclers.

  • ProFlexABI/ProFlex™ 96-well PCR System/現貨
    ProFlexABI/ProFlex™ 96-well PCR System/現貨

    ABI/ProFlex™ 96-well PCR System/現貨The ProFlex™ 96-Well PCR System is the latest in our line of Applied Biosystems® thermal cyclers.

  • VeritiABI/Veriti™ 60-well Thermal Cycler
    VeritiABI/Veriti™ 60-well Thermal Cycler

    ABI/Veriti™ 60-well Thermal CyclerThe Applied Biosystems® Veriti® 60-Well Thermal Cycler (for 0.5 mL tubes) delivers the proven reliability of Applied Biosystems® instruments with the 0.5 mL format yo

  • VeritiABI/Veriti™ 384-Well Thermal Cycler
    VeritiABI/Veriti™ 384-Well Thermal Cycler

    ABI/Veriti™ 384-Well Thermal CyclerThe Applied Biosystems® Veriti® 384-Well Thermal Cycler (0.02 mL) delivers the proven reliability of Applied Biosystems® instruments with the throughput you need for

  • VeritiABI/Veriti™ 96-Well Fast Thermal Cycler
    VeritiABI/Veriti™ 96-Well Fast Thermal Cycler

    ABI/Veriti™ 96-Well Fast Thermal CyclerThe Applied Biosystems® Veriti® 96-Well Fast Thermal Cycler delivers the proven reliability of Applied Biosystems® instruments.

  • NanoDrop OneThermoFisher/超微量分光光度/ND-ONE-W
    NanoDrop OneThermoFisher/超微量分光光度/ND-ONE-W


    更新日期:2019-02-20型號:NanoDrop One
  • Countess IIThermoFisher/自動細胞計數儀/現貨
    Countess IIThermoFisher/自動細胞計數儀/現貨

    ThermoFisher/自動細胞計數儀/現貨 The new Countess™ II Automated Cell Counter is a benchtop assay platform equipped with state-of-the-art optics, full autofocus, and image analysis software for rapid ass

    更新日期:2018-01-04型號:Countess II
  • Qubit 3.0ThermoFisher/熒光光度計/Q33218/現貨
    Qubit 3.0ThermoFisher/熒光光度計/Q33218/現貨

    ThermoFisher/熒光光度計/Q33218/現貨 The Qubit 3 Fluorometer is the next generation of the popular benchtop fluorometer that accuray measures DNA, RNA, and protein using the highly sensitive fluorescence-b

    更新日期:2018-01-04型號:Qubit 3.0
  • Qubit 3.0ThermoFisher/熒光光度計/Q33217/現貨
    Qubit 3.0ThermoFisher/熒光光度計/Q33217/現貨

    ThermoFisher/熒光光度計/Q33217/現貨 The Qubit 3 Fluorometer is the next generation of the popular benchtop fluorometer that accuray measures DNA, RNA, and protein using the highly sensitive fluorescence-b

    更新日期:2018-01-02型號:Qubit 3.0
  • Qubit 3.0ThermoFisher/熒光光度計/Q33216/現貨
    Qubit 3.0ThermoFisher/熒光光度計/Q33216/現貨

    ThermoFisher/熒光光度計/Q33216/現貨 The Qubit 3 Fluorometer is the next generation of the popular benchtop fluorometer that accuray measures DNA, RNA, and protein using the highly sensitive fluorescence-b

    更新日期:2018-01-02型號:Qubit 3.0
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